Dorian has left and thankfully we made it through with really only debris everywhere and minor damage. The pool was full of tree limbs, and the yard was covered. But with the only real damage being a partially blown over fence, a torn window screen (due to a pine tree limb), we were lucky. Helping out our neighbors get rid of debris and making the yards look presentable, all worth it, to come together.
Majority of the snack foods made it uneaten. The problem was with waiting for the hurricane to get here, we got a bit stir crazy, and found ourselves hanging out at our favorite local brewery, Oak Road Brewery, a lot. Enough said about that, or more later on that, haha. Being off work for the four days, we made our new office desks. We learned how to use the Kreg pocket screw tool. Highly recommend! Really makes the build look so much better with out visible, or having to fill, screws or screw holes.
Lesson learned from this storm:
One – Finally put gas in the generator and learn how to run it. I know, idiot, I should have already done that. I know. I will get on the ball on this one.
Two – Figure out how to protect our backyard windows. We will be using wood to protect, but its the drilling into our house, through the siding, to attach the wood is my issue. This is due to the screws sticking out from the house, permanently. I am still figuring this out. During the last storms, and this one, our back windows get pelted with debris.
Overall, we were thankfully lucky. Can’t complain about having to pick up debris, rather than fixing a damaged house. So on to the next one……..