Finally, Live!
Well, after MONTHS, we finally went live with our first Podcast. It has taken almost a year. Remembering back to late last year when Sheryl and I decided we wanted to create a Podcast. Something new, different, and out of our comfort zone. When you choose to put yourselves out there, you know it will come with acceptance and rejection. We both are to blame for the lack of effort to “just do it.”
We recorded the “Trailer” episode back in November/December. We laughed at ourselves and had fun! Isn’t that what it’s all about? We didn’t know a “niche” we would fit in. We then thought we aren’t trying to sell something. We want to bring a laugh to people, possibly inspire people to do what we have done, or inform from our experiences. We want to share events in our lives that we enjoy or enjoyed.

Procrastination is the Devil. Now came the time to learn garage band and editing. I was going so deep in trying to make sure it was”perfect.” I instead kept making mistakes, deleting the wrong information. I just had overall frustration with my lack of knowledge. Then the podcast sat and waited. I finally got a grasp of how to get Garage Band working on editing the podcast. It is still rough, still isn’t old hat using it, I am getting better though. Then it sat again. Interest again faded, though it now seemed the lack of content. Sheryl would mention, “We need to get it going.” So, launch day finally came.

I will admit I uploaded on a frustration whim. Someone posted a message to a local Facebook group about Podcast setups. I replied and explained what all I had done and purchased to get a Podcast ready to go. I knew that must podcast starting websites say you should have three episodes ready at launch. This way it gives the listener a reason to come back for more. Well, I didn’t wait for three. We really don’t know if it was a bad move due to not really promoting it yet. We will see. We did however get the assumed usual excitement about hitting the submit button. Then we waited. Started to mention it to a few friends. And that’s about it. All the hits we can really trace back to the friends we mentioned it to.
So this “All of the Map Niche,” is where we are staying, talking about beer, and adventures. We are now working on a weekly PLAN. What, you mean shooting from the hip isn’t the best way to get something accomplished? We were ready with outline flow for the “Trailer” and now getting everything else to flow. We are hoping to see an increase as we now will start to improve our content, our promotion, and our online presence. Here’s to the Future!
Till later, Chris