The ending I am not ready for, or am I?

Star Wars – The Rise of Skywalker

The final trailer was released on Monday night, October 21st. With this being the last of nine episodes in the “Skywalker” series, it’s kind of surreal knowing its all coming to an end. The Disney – Star Wars hype machine is in overdrive, as it always goes with these movies. The Rise of Skywalker trailers are amazing and leave you with many questions, as they should. The problem is, I don’t know if I am ready for the whole saga to end. Or maybe I am. Let me explain…….

I grew up on the original three Star Wars episodes 4-6, 1977-1983. Episode 4, Star Wars – A New Hope, was in fact the first movie I ever saw at eight years old. In fact, it was the first movie I ever saw with my Dad. Why is that important? Well I have only seen two movies with my Dad, Star Wars – Episode 4 and Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark. Ironically, those are my two favorite movies! I will usually watch them anytime they are on TV. Star Wars got me hooked as a kid, I was all in. I don’t remember how may times I saw Star Wars as a kid. I do know everything revolved around Star Wars, movies, toys, comics. Even dressing up and playing with other kids on our jungle gym outside pretending it was the Millennium Falcon. Life was good.

Everyone thought Star Wars was over after the third original film, Return of the Jedi. Technically it was, there was only hopes the franchise would continue. I felt Return of the Jedi was a good ending to the three movies. The Star Wars community lost their minds when George Lucas released the “first” three episodes , 1-3, (1999-2005), which was cool for the background aspect of how the original characters / story line, came to be. There was backlash due to the heavy CGI used in these movies. But it was all the tools George didn’t have available to him in the 70’s & 80’s. Then there was Jar Jar, I think he was the most hated character ever. With all that aside, I did enjoy them, but still nothing compared to the original three those movies.

I will try to stream line this next segment. Disney now gets a major gift, that’s what I will call it, buying the rights to Star Wars from George. Everyone knew what that meant, more movies coming. Episodes 6-9 (2015-2019) began with the Force Awakens. It steam rolled the Christmas viewings. Everyone was very excited, more Star Wars!! From my point of view, it was cool, but screamed of carbon copy of Episode 4. There was a few issues I had with it from , the original 6 main characters never got together in the same scene. The worst kept secret, Han dying, which I was fine with, due to knowing he wanted be killed off heroically in the original movies. Then there was “Starkiller” Base or what everyone called instead, Death Star #3, come on, really. Overall I took it for what it was, more Star Wars and I did enjoyed it. Disney then release Rogue 1 (2016), a stand alone film which gave you incite into what led up to Episode 4. Awesome, loved it. Then comes Episode 7 (2017), enjoyable, but felt rushed and gaps in plot. Don’t for get Mary Poppins Leia, again really, but more Star Wars and I enjoyed it. Disney then released Solo in 2018. Another stand alone to give background into Han. I really liked it. Just like Rogue 1, I enjoy the learning of his backstory. Unfortunately not everyone felt the same. They felt Disney rushed it and other issues. Then we lose Carrie Fisher. A huge loss, putting a real strain on the final movie episode 9. If they are able to pull off the magic, we will see how it works. Next we loose Peter Mayhew, Chewbacca, Due to health issues, we new he wouldn’t be filling the roll any longer, but his loss no less hurtful. I am very thankful to have actually met him in person. Now we are here in 2019 waiting for December to get here for Episode 9’s release. Fingers crossed for an amazing film series ending. There will be, I am sure, happy, exciting parts of the movie. Unfortunately, I am sure there will be the deep cuts that will hurt. Meaning how Leia is, for lack of better words, killed off. That leaves C3P0 and R2D2 as the last originals. What will happen to them, the trailers already seem to be setting you up for C3P0 giving up his life for the rebellion. Lando is next, yes he is technically and original, but only for two of the three movies. We will have to wait to see.

So we are now caught up. I do love Star Wars, as I am sure you can now see, and here is the title’s explanation. This last movie will close the book on the Skywalker series. Why I am not ready? Well I don’t want it to end, that’s the long and short of it. Everything about the movies, the mind of George that created Star Wars and the community that surrounds Star Wars is important to me. It’s like a part of me is or will be, gone forever. I know it sounds sappy, but everyone I grew up on in Star Wars is gone.

Why I am ready for it to end. The Disney machine, I feel, over saturated us with Star Wars. With paying so much money for the rights to Star Wars, they needed to recoup quickly on that investment. They pumped out films which didn’t grab us or put the seed into our hearts like the originals. Like I said earlier, I did enjoy the films they created but not really loved them. Aspects of the new movies, like how the main characters departed (died or killed), the “band” (Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie) not getting back together or flying Leia, really made me wish they took more time to create. I tried and I think I succeeded in not totally comparing the new movies to the original. I took them for what they were trying to be, a transition from the old to new. I just feel they missed the mark. The transition is there for the most part, though the gaps and rushed feeling it gave me leaves me, and I hate to say it, this series needs to end. Episodes 7-9, gave us more, which I am thankful for. I just feel Disney missed the heart grabbing mark, hence it needs to end. There is no going back, Disney doesn’t get a “redo”.

I know the Star Wars universe will continue to grow and I am looking forward to the new book, if you will. Saying next chapter does not fit here in this context. I am looking forward to new series being created for the Disney+ channel, Mandalorians and Obi Wan. Again these are ideas on back stories and more. I will watch and get excited for each new installment. I will always follow and love all things Star Wars! Always looking forward to the “Galaxy far, far away”.
